Health & Safety Policy
The Directors of the 1122 Ltd T/A I’m Covered 365 recognise the commercial risk of failing to effectively manage the health and safety elements of its business and wholeheartedly endorse this Policy. This Policy has been written to show our commitment to creating a safety-conscious environment and I have been appointed to act as the Director responsible for Health and Safety, a role that I take very seriously.
Our aim is to ensure that effective procedures are implemented across the company and to ensure that these are communicated to all staff.
This Policy will address the core responsibilities and arrangements applicable across the company, although it should be read alongside other documents such as the Office Health and Safety Handbook which will consider the unique aspects of our workplace and any local arrangements that are in place.
This Policy, other supporting documentation and Health and Safety practice in general will be reviewed on a regular basis to consider any legislative changes and any changes within the workplace.
As a Company, we have a duty to ensure the Health and Safety of our staff and any other person who may be affected by our activities. The Health and Safety of our staff is of paramount importance. We aim to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all our employees and to provide them with the necessary information, instruction and training to achieve this.
Appropriate preventative and protective measures are, and will continue to be implemented, following the identification of work-related hazards and assessment of the risks associated with them. Removal of risk will always be the first aim in creating a safe work environment. When this is not possible, suitable control measures will be put in place.
We recognise the importance of staff consultation on matters of Health and Safety and the value of individual consultation prior to allocating specific Health and Safety functions. We also accept our responsibility for the Health and Safety of other persons who may be affected by our activities. Our policy also empowers our employees to take responsibility of their own safety and that of those they work with and around.
The allocation of duties for safety matters, the identity of competent persons appointed with particular responsibilities, and the arrangements made to implement this Policy are contained within this system and/or in associated Health and Safety documents or records. Competent Health and Safety assistance/advice will be sought as necessary when determining Health and Safety risks and the measures required to control them. The objectives of this safety statement can only be achieved through the support and cooperation of staff and all other persons who work for and with 1122 Ltd T/A I’m Covered 365 e.g. contractors, and visitors.
The contents of this statement will be kept up to date to reflect the changes in the nature of the activities and the size
Director Mark Bound